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Qphoto Business Printing

Launch Special: Free Flyers with your order

If you thought print was dead, think again!

If you thought print was dead, think again!

If you thought print was dead, think again! Print advertising ideas for magazines, billboards, and poster campaigns are hugely influential, helping to build brand memorability and make a serious statement.

What are the elements of a good print ad?

As well as a really creative print advertisement idea, a good print ad example usually combines a brand logo or brand identity elements—such as fonts and color palettes—with a single strong image and equally strong slogan.

The most creative print ads might use photography, illustration, or even just type, in combination with powerful messaging, to draw attention to the ad, and boost brand recall.

Magazine ads or other forms of print advertising might not involve a lot of physical space in which to make a statement, making it crucial that the ad design ideas are impactful and eye-catching, and that the print ads are targeted at the specific audience reading the publication or traveling past the ad.

Why Print Advertising Could Still Be Worth It

You might well be thinking that however creative print advertising can be, it’s still a tall order to prioritize print advertising in favour of digital advertising these days.

Surely more people are clicking on social media than reading newspapers, right?

While digital advertising is certainly growing astronomically, there are several advantages in opting for print advertising in place of, or in combination with, online marketing.

These include:

–         Print advertising can reach audience groups that digital advertising might not. Consider that around half of Americans don’t have an Instagram account, in addition to the fact that 7% of Americans, largely in an older demographic, do not use the internet at all. These huge audiences remain untapped for digital advertisers, meaning that print advertising, television, and radio are the best methods of connecting with these groups.

–         Print advertising ideas boost brand recognition and brand association. While online ads are designed to encourage click-throughs, print advertising has the power to build long-lasting positive associations with a brand, rather than relying on a quick click (and equally quick click-away). This is why many of the best print ads aim to simply connect an idea with a brand, rather than selling something specifically. It’s all about playing the long game, and building loyal, positive relationships with your customer base.

–         Print advertising can be highly targeted. Imagine placing a billboard ad at the exit of a subway station, advertising an exhibition or store that’s right around the corner? Print ads can directly channel audiences towards a business through carefully considered placement. In this way, print advertising can really boost footfall locally.


What types of businesses are best for print ad campaigns?

A print ad campaign might not be the best fit for every business or every type of campaign, so it’s good to know when to opt for print advertising over digital marketing methods.

The types of businesses that might find print advertising to be particularly useful include businesses that want to attract a local audience (think restaurants, museums, or stores), or businesses that are looking to target older audiences, or audiences who might otherwise be less exposed to digital advertising.

Print advertising is also generally associated with tradition and trust, making magazine ads or a print ad campaign a great fit for brands looking to boost their authority.

Long-established brands or brands associated with traditional products—such as luxury fashion, whisky, cars, and legal or financial services—will usually resonate with print readers.

It’s also worth noting that print advertising can be particularly effective when combined with online ad campaigns and other methods of advertising, such as TV or radio. For example, a print ad can be used to boost brand recognition in the lead-up to an online sales event.

Conclusion: Say It in Print!

Far from being a dinosaur of advertising, a print ad campaign can bring huge value to brands looking to target particular audiences and boost positive brand association.

While digital advertising offers immediacy, really standout print advertising ideas offer more long-term benefits, including customer loyalty and brand memorability.

So, neglect print at your peril!

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